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This is not an article about the pros and cons of genetically modified organisms. I am not arguing for them or against them. Instead, the goal of this article is to help you learn some of the basic science involved, to make it easier for you to fact check articles on this topic.
I got the idea for this experiment while watching the sand hill cranes feeding in the fields around Hastings, Nebraska. To most people, bird watching means trying to identify different kinds of birds. Really, that is bird spotting. Bird watching means finding a bird and watching it, to see what it is doing.
When you read that 75% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, what does it really mean? The answer goes far beyond just a simple fact. As with many topics in science, the deeper you go, the more you find.
Producers are living things that specialize in capturing energy and storing it in chemicals, such as sugars, starches, fats, and proteins. Most producers are plants, capturing solar energy through the process of photosynthesis. In that process, they use three things: energy (from sunlight), water, and carbon (from carbon dioxide.)
This time, we will conduct an experiment to measure cellular respiration of yeast when it is fed different sugars. While we tend to think of sucrose (table sugar) when we hear the word sugar, there are actually many different chemicals that fall into that category. As we will see, different sugars have different properties.
After you have tried the experiment yourself (or at least done enough thought and research to make a good hypothesis), watch this video to compare my results with yours.
Now that we live in Johnson Canyon, Utah, we have all sorts of wildlife wandering through our yard, but we saw plenty of wildlife even when we lived in the city. All it takes is a walk to the neighborhood park.