From our new home in Utah, the stars are so bright that we can even see the Milky Way Galaxy. How far is the Milky Way Galaxy from Earth?
923 light years.
92.3 light years.
9.23 light years.
We are in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Think about it, and when you think you know the answer, then continue.
The Sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see are in the galaxy we call the Milky Way.
923 light years.
92.3 light years.
9.23 light years.
We are in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Think about it, and when you think you know the answer, then continue.
The Sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see are in the galaxy we call the Milky Way.
Click to see which state standards this question tests, and which of my videos, experiments, and other resources support that topic.
SC.5.E.5.1 Recognize that a galaxy consists of gas, dust, and many stars, including any objects orbiting the stars. Identify our home galaxy as the Milky Way.
Review Space-2 | practice |
Review Space-1 | practice |
Review Space-10 | practice |
SC.8.E.5.1 Recognize that there are enormous distances between objects in space and apply our knowledge of light and space travel to understand this distance.
Sunprints | video |
Making a Scale Model of the Solar System | video, ClosedCaptions |
Global Science | video, ClosedCaptions |
Sunglass Science: Birefringence | video, free, Updated |
Sunglass Science: Polarized Light | video, free, Updated |
A Color You Can't See | video, free, checked |
How Far is That Planet? | text page |
CD Spectrum | text page |
Review Space-1 | practice |
Review Light-3 | practice |
UT.6.IV.1.d Compare the size of the Milky Way galaxy to the size of the known universe.
Review Space-1 | practice |
2-LS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to determine if plants need sunlight and water to grow.
Measuring Photosynthesis | video, checked |
Testing a Leaf for Starch | video, ClosedCaptions |
Review Plants-1 | practice |