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After the Blue Heron drive, I headed towards Merritt Island, planning to take the Black Point Drive. When I got there, they were paving the road, so I went to the BioLab road instead. Heading north on Hwy 3, you will see a sign for the BioLab. Take that road and watch on the right for BioLab road. It is a narrow, gravel road that winds along the water's edge, giving you brackish water on one side, and fresh water marsh on the other.
Because I post so many science photos, I get quite a few questions about photography. Some want to know what camera I use (Nikon D7000) or what editing software I use (Photoshop and Lightroom), but probably the most common questions is, "How do you manage to find so many things to photograph?"
Greetings from Johnson Canyon. The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of good and bad, happy and sad. Summer is truly here, now that the thermometer has passed 100°F (37.8°C). Nancy's garden is blooming, attracting a variety of butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. I am still working on my sprout journal, and it should be very helpful next year when things start to sprout.
Now that we live in Johnson Canyon, Utah, we have all sorts of wildlife wandering through our yard, but we saw plenty of wildlife even when we lived in the city. All it takes is a walk to the neighborhood park.