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Review Anatomy-1

Which of the following is NOT a function of your skeleton?

  1. Produce insulin

    Yes! Insulin is produced by the pancreas, not by bones.
  2. Work with muscles to help you move

    No. Your muscles attach to your bones. They work together to let you move.
  3. Protect internal organs

    No. Your skull protects your brain. Your ribs protect your heart and lungs. Your backbone protects your spinal cord.
  4. Produce blood cells.

    No. Your bone marrow produces your blood cells.

Click to see which state standards this question tests, and which of my videos, experiments, and other resources support that topic.


SC.2.L.14.1 Distinguish human body parts (brain, heart, lungs, stomach, muscles, and skeleton) and their basic functions.
Bendable Bones video, checked
Reading a Skeleton video, free, checked
Bird Bones video, free
Review Anatomy-1 practice
Review Anatomy-2 practice
Review Anatomy-3 practice

SC.5.L.14.1 Identify the organs in the human body and describe their functions, including the skin, brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, muscles and skeleton, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, and sensory organs.
Kneesy, Earsy, Nosey video, checked
Bendable Bones video, checked
Just a Suggestion video
Reaction Time video
Reading a Skeleton video, free, checked
Bird Bones video, free
Muscles Don't Push text page
Review Anatomy-1 practice
Review Anatomy-2 practice
Review Anatomy-3 practice

SC.6.L.14.5 Identify and investigate the general functions of the major systems of the human body (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, excretory, immune, nervous, and musculoskeletal) and describe ways these systems interact with each other to maintain homeostasis.
Bendable Bones video, checked
Reaction Time video
Reading a Skeleton video, free, checked
Bird Bones video, free
Muscles Don't Push text page
Review Anatomy-1 practice
Review Anatomy-2 practice
Review Anatomy-3 practice


UT.7.III.2.c Relate the structure of an organ to its component parts and the larger system of which it is a part.
Reading a Skeleton video, free, checked
Reaction Time video
Review Anatomy-1 practice
Review Anatomy-2 practice
Review Anatomy-3 practice


MS-LS1-3 Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.
Bendable Bones video, checked
Reaction Time video
Reading a Skeleton video, free, checked
Bird Bones video, free
Review Anatomy-1 practice
Review Anatomy-2 practice
Review Anatomy-3 practice