Keeping in mind that the ideal shape for a rain gauge is to have the top and bottom be the same size, with straight sides, look at each of these containers. Decide if it would make an accurate rain gauge, and if not, decide if it would seem to have too much rain, or too little rain in it.

Would this container make an accurate rain gauge? If not, why? Would it seem to have too much water or too little water?

Would this container make an accurate rain gauge? If not, why? Would it seem to have too much water or too little water?

Would this container make an accurate rain gauge? If not, why? Would it seem to have too much water or too little water?

Would this container make an accurate rain gauge? If not, why? Would it seem to have too much water or too little water?

Would this container make an accurate rain gauge? If not, why? Would it seem to have too much water or too little water?

Would this container make an accurate rain gauge? If not, why? Would it seem to have too much water or too little water?