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Often, as you watch a fireworks display, you will see a large burst that starts as one color, and then the entire burst changes to a different color. How do they do that?
This is a science demonstration that is often used as a magic trick, to make a coin suddenly appear. It is a very easy trick. All you have to do is change the speed of light.
Imagine for a moment that you are stranded in the desert, and running short on water. Or imagine that you are in a boat far out at sea, surrounded by salt water, but no fresh water to drink. Is there any way you could use some science to get something to drink? Of course there is!
One of the important ways that we learn about anatomy is by dissection. The word "dissection: may make you think of dead frogs in bottles of preservative, but you probably dissect things frequently. You just don't think of it as dissection. Instead, you think of it as dinner.
In the Sorting Salt and Pepper video we saw that we could mix salt and pepper into a pile and then separate them easily by using the static charge on a balloon. That is one way to separate salt and pepper, but there are many others. How many can you think of? Don't read any more until you have spent some time thinking of as many different ways as you can.